Toastmasters Logo

Who We Are ...

U2 Can Speak Toastmasters is a company club that meets weekly on Thursdays at lunchtime at Raytheon in Dulles, Virginia. We provide a friendly atmosphere for acquiring and practicing public speaking skills which aid in giving business presentations, answering on-the-spot questions with finesse, and feeling comfortable in front of an audience.  Our club also offers plenty of Leadership Opportunities which will help you become a better leader and/or manager.

Sound like something you can benefit from?  We are always looking for new members.  Please drop us a line using the Join Us form to the left, give one of the officers a call or drop by a meeting as a guest. We will tell you all about Toastmasters, and how you can join the fun!

Where We Are ...

Raytheon Company, 22110 Pacific Blvd Sterling, VA 20166 [Map]

News and Events ...


Hello and welcome!
We are meeting online!

Guests - To request a visit to our club, please fill in the Contact Form by Wednesday evening.
We will let you know all about our club and how to visit us at our online meeting.

Members: Please RSVP and volunteer for roles. Your participation makes each meeting awesome!
Reminder: Base Camp Outage: Oct 9th - 25th

Upcoming Meetings and Events

  • Thursdays - Regular meetings at noon (except when noted)
    Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD):
    TMOD for upcoming meetings - Please contact VPE Dave K to volunteer
    • October 17th - Rose
    • October 24th - TBD
    • October 31st - TBD (Halloween)
  • Fall Online Speech Contests
    • Congratulations, Rose!
      First Place Area 54 Contest
    • Division E Contest
      Sat, October 26 9 am - 12 noon
  • Other District 29 Events District 29 Calendar Many events are virtual or hybrid.

Speeches and projects are based on the Pathways educational program
We are: U2 Can Speak, Club 8224 in Area 54/Division E/District 29
Last updated 10/11/24 by JR

2024-2025 Leadership Team

As a member,you are the most important part of the Toastmasters organization.
All Toastmasters officers and leaders are here to support you.
Here are our club officers for the 2024-2025 Toastmasters year.
The current Toastmasters year runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

2024-2025 U2 Can Speak Club Officers:

  • President: David W
  • Vice President Education: Dave K
  • Vice President Membership: Ying
  • Vice President Public Relations: Kate
  • Treasurer: Alok
  • Secretary: Jennifer*
  • Sergeant-at-Arms: Javed

* Member of Education Committee

The Club Officers, Area 54 (Rob), Division E (Linda) and District 29 Leaders are all here to help you meet your communication and leadership goals.
Achieving your goals contributes to the club meeting the goals set by Toastmasters International for a healthy club.

Business Meeting
Each club meeting contains a Presiding Officer section where the business meeting is held.

If there is quorum, members can vote on routine business.
Please let the officers know if you would like to add items to the business meeting agenda.

Beyond the Club

There is always something going on in Toastmasters beyond our club meeting. Below are some upcoming events.

All events are optional, attend if you wish
Check each event to see if virtual or in-person

  • Sunday, Nov 3rd 6 pm Mid-year Gala
    More info & Registration
    Location: International Country Club 13200 Route 50, Fairfax, VA
    Cost: $45 (includes dinner)
    Ticket sales end October 25th
  • Fall Contests
    Speech (all virtual)
    Levels: Club/Area/Division
    We are Area 54 in Division E
    You are welcome to attend any contest
    Ask David, Dave K or the Area Director for the link
  • Spring Contests:
    Evaluation, International Speech and Table Topics
    Levels: Club/Area/Division/District (and beyond for Intl)
  • District 29 News and Events
    Sometimes Educational Sessions/Speech Crafts/Open Houses - subscribe to blog (at bottom of the linked page)
    (You may need to scroll to see all events).
  • Events Calendar: District 29 Calendar

Other Clubs - See Affiliated Clubs below
Some of our members are also part of other clubs.
Or use the Find a Club search. If you change the zip code, select Search Option: Open Clubs.

Distinguished Club Program Status

Our club has been a Select Distinguished or President's Distinguished Club
many times and we plan to achieve that again this year!

DCP Status Report
Club Goals for the current Toastmasters year must be completed before June 30, 2025.
There are 10 possible goals. In order to qualify, our club will need to reach 17 members after the April 2025 renewals.

Congratulations to our members who have completed Pathways Levels this year!
Education Achievements Report - Search for our club number: 8224 or an individual dual member's name

Roles and Online Tips

As members, we can all do our part to help the meeting be successful by: coming to meetings regularly, RSVP'ing, and asking your mentor if you need help with a role.
Toastmasters provides guides for Club Meeting Roles. We also have a U2 Can Speak guide for what to do when you are the Toastmaster of the Day - please ask the VPE if you haven't received it.

How Roles are Chosen
Roles are assigned using a combination of Vice President Education (VPE) scheduling and member self-assignment on our website (in Members Only->Meeting Schedule).
If you see an empty or TBD speech slot or role within the upcoming month, it is up for grabs.
Certain roles are necessary for the speech to be considered official (Timer, Evaluator).
Each meeting can have 2-3 speeches: the first speaker slot is assigned
and the second & third ones can be claimed.
Please let the TMOD/VPE know if you want to take the 3rd slot so we can adjust the meeting.

To decide which role you should take next, click on your name in Current Members.
Choose a role that has 'Never' for new members or the highest number of "Weeks Since".
(If the number is negative, you are already scheduled in that role for an upcoming meeting.)
We encourage you to give a speech about every other month and put yourself on the schedule ahead of time so you can start preparing. If you always have a speech in-the works, you can jump in when an opening comes up.

Toastmaster of the Day
The VPE puts together a tentative schedule a few weeks out, but the Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD) confirms the roles for the meeting. Each week, the TMOD will be filling unassigned roles using RSVPs and the steps below. This occurs behind the scenes prior to the meeting.
We know things come up at the last minute, so as a group we roll with the role changes, but please try to help out the TMOD!!
To fill a slot when you are the TMOD or find a replacement for your role if you can't make it:

  • For Speakers, contact the TMOD. TMOD can contact VPE Team (Dave K, Jennifer) to see if there is a backup speaker list
  • For AH Counter/Timer, first look for new members who have Last Time in Role as "Never"
  • For other roles, check Role History for longest number of "Weeks Since"

Avoid asking members who have marked themselves as "Will Miss". However, "No RSVP"s are fair game, contact them and ask if they will come and take the role.

Online Tips
Some tips for online meetings when video is allowed:
  • Check your email for the meeting link. For events, check the District 29 website or ask an officer
  • Please mute when you aren't speaking unless the speaker asks otherwise - press and hold the spacebar in Zoom to briefly unmute
  • Switch between Gallery View (Brady Bunch squares) and Speaker View (focuses on the person talking) in the upper right corner
  • To show applause when muted, wave your hands
  • Laugh and smile if you appreciate the humor
  • Pin the speaker or timer to keep them in the active window
  • Enable the chat window (at the bottom of your screen)
  • Please do not chat to everyone while someone is speaking, unless the speaker asks for feedback. It takes the focus away from the speaker. Chat directly to the Toastmaster of the Day or an officer if you have need something immediately for the meeting
  • If you need to move around, try to wait until a speaker finishes and then disable your video
  • Be aware that speakers may ask to be recorded. If you do not wish to be recorded, disable your video as an audience member and make it clear in meetings
  • Some online events, such as District contests and trainings may have a group picture at the end - it is your choice to enable your video...but be ready if you want to be included. Recommend business casual or professional dress (at least on top!)

Toastmasters Goals and Resources

All Toastmasters members and clubs are always working toward goals.
Goals are related to Communication and Leadership accomplishments for both individual members, officers and the club as a whole.
Members and clubs who work toward the Toastmasters International goals learn a great deal and are recognized by Toastmasters International in the form of awards.

Individual Goals:
In 2017, Toastmasters updated the education program. The program is called Pathways. Pathways is designed to help you build the skills you need to communicate and lead. It is comprised of 11 paths that teach more than 300 unique competencies.

Club Goals: Toastmasters International recognizes high-performing clubs through the Distinguished Club Program (DCP).
When the club focuses on meeting these goals, it can help the members meet their individual goals. Reports are updated at least weekly: DCP Report for Club 8224
We are: District 29, Division E, and Area 54, Club 00008224


Links for Potential Members:
Toastmasters Listing for our Club (additional contact info)
About Toastmasters
How to Join
Pathways First Speech - Ice Breaker
Fast Track

Links for New Members:
Paths and Projects
New Member Orientation
Evaluation Resources (in alphabetical order, choose a different page)
The Navigator (26 page pdf)
Paths and Projects with Summaries (thanks District 4!)
District 29 Pathways Information
Pathways Guide
Club Meeting Roles
Reference documents (Toa Payoh Central Club)
How To Documents
Meeting Etiquette
Summary of Pathways Levels
Pathways Progress for Our Members

Links for Members Who Joined Before October 2017: Traditional Program Links

Links Related to Club and District Leadership
Club Leadership Tools
Club Leadership Handbook
(Download) Distinguished Club Program (DCP) and Club Success Plan
Distinguished Club Program (DCP) Report
Resources (from District 29)
Club Constitution and Bylaws
Leader Letter
Additional Reports
Matthew's Value Added Reports
Corporate Toastmasters
Gates of Excellence - Toastmasters Meeting Cookbook
Pat Johnson Corporate Clubs

Affiliated Clubs

As a member or guest of Toastmasters, you are welcome to visit other clubs. Although the program is the same, each club has their own personality and unique culture.
Before visiting, please contact the club to find out any schedule changes, site requirements and language (not all are in English around the world).
See their club website for contact information. Usually found in Meeting Information/Directions or Contact Us.
Many clubs are holding online meetings.
The clubs below are affiliated with our members but there are many, many others in the area and 14,200+ worldwide!
Other clubs nearby: Find a Club - Select Search Option: Open Clubs
If you'd prefer to be introduced, please let the contact listed know

  • Tuesday evening Tech Toast
    2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7-8:30 pm - Reston - Fairfax County Govt Center (some hybrid meetings)
    Frequently ends after just an hourD*
    Introvert friendly - Community Club
    Contact: Ying/Jennifer
  • Thursday evening Ashburn Professional Speakers (APS)
    2nd & 4th Thursdays (except 1st & 3rd Thursdays in November/December)
    5:30-6:30 pm - Verizon in Ashburn
    Open Corporate Club
    Contact: Dave
  • Friday evening Winners Circle
    1st & 3rd Fridays 7-9 pm - in Ashburn
    Focus: Round-Robin Evaluations
    Community Club
  • Saturday morning Leesburg Speakeasies
    1st & 3rd Saturdays at 10 am
    Hybrid - Rust Library Contact: David W
  • Saturday afternoon Professionally Speaking
    1st & 3rd Saturdays 4-6 pm - in Ashburn or Fairfax County Govt Center in Reston
    Focus: Practice Professional Speaking
    Community Club
  • Sunday afternoon Free Spirits Toastmasters
    2nd & 4th Sundays 3:30 pm - in RestonS*
    Community Club
  • RTX in Maryland: Rivertech*
    2nd & 4th Tuesday at noon - Raytheon in Riverdale, MD
    Open Corporate Club
    Contact: Ying
  • RTX in California: Wednesdays 2:30-3:30 pm EST (West Coast 11:30 am-12:30 pm) Fred H. Rohr Club
    Meets virtually on California time
    Pre-pandemic, this club met at Collins Aerospace Chula Vista (an RTX Business)
Some of our members are dual members or former club coaches of the above clubs
2023-2024 DCP Results for all District 29 Clubs

DCP Results Key:
P = President's Distinguished Club 2022-2023 (9 or 10 goals)
S = Selected Distinguished Club 2023-2024 (7 goals)
D = Distinguished Club 2022-2023 (5 goals)
P*, S* or D* = met all the goals except minimum number of members

The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) was established by Toastmasters International as a general measure of club success. Each Toastmasters year (July-June) the Distinguished Club Program recognizes club achievements in education, membership growth, club leadership and club communication. These measures are not the whole of what makes a club successful but do reflect some of the activities that indicate a healthy club.

Inclement Weather/Attendance Conflicts

Note: In the event of inclement weather or other reasons, the club may need to cancel the meeting. The decision will be made by 10:30 am Thursday morning. Please check your email for updates.


The views and opinions expressed by members or guests at meetings or through other means are their own and do not represent Toastmasters International (unless explicitly stated), RTX (and its subsidiaries) or any other company or organization. Any content provided by our members or guests are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything. Toastmasters Terms of Use